Marina Rust-Evans is an Overberg farmgirl, musician, animal-lover and certified Natural Health Practitioner.

After starting agricultural studies at Elsenberg Agricultural College, she acquired a Bachelor of music and language degree (majoring in French and flute) at Stellenbosch University in 2001. Followed by certification as a Western Cape tourist guide, and travels abroad, she returned to South Africa to start an Outdoor Adventure & Language school called Diadème on a farm near Greyton in 2002. For 10 years she welcomed French groups of teenagers to South African hospitality for language immersion camps to learn English, as well as local youth to learn French. After a few more years of hosting Dept Agriculture Junior Landcare environmental education camps for under-privileged children (at the EcoLodge then known as Zebra Moon), she then married William (a farmer, bee-keeper, install/repair-anything consultant), and started a family of her own.

Marina resides part-time between village life in Greyton and farm life in Grabouw with her animals. At Pure Café, she has a small health shop supply called Carpé Diem Health and runs a natural health consulting service with her Gauteng based colleague (for which they do online questionnaires, health history summary to work alongside doctors, as well as individualized report on natural health and lifestyle guidelines).


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During season Marina sells farm-fresh produce from Grabouw at the market: blueberries, organic fruit (organic or residue free when available, otherwise some mainstream produce), Heirloom beans, sprouting seeds, organic aloe juice amongst other things, a real-life story children’s books on adventures with her bullock MooMoo which she has been caring for like a child for the past 14 years ago.
(He even travelled with her to the airport to welcome foreign students). When he was smaller, all he wanted to do was ride on her lap in the front of the bakkie, and they even strolled Greyton’s streets together in wedding outfits for a marketing campaign years ago.

In our beautiful valley of grace, she lives out her passion for natural living, pesticide free/organically produced food and adventuring into the mountains with like-minded friends.
As co-founder of Plant Based Health SA nutrition education resource for the general public and health care sector; she has a love for sharing and coaching healthy lifestyle education through workshops and consultations.
The very special nature-nurtured Waldorf inspired Little Hippo playschool run by Ashleigh Gordon, is what took Marina back to Greyton recently.

For the rest of the week, in Grabouw and HouwHoek valleys she farms with her family and husband, spends time with her rescued cattle and caring for them, spends time through natural horsemanship with her horses, and trains for triathlons by mountain biking or swimming adventures. She home schools her daughter and tends to her half-adopted 2nd daughter for schoolwork.

Inbetween a full life, her passions are music (flute and a little piano), spreading the message of her life story after having met and rescued her bovine child MooMoo from a dairy farm in 2006, and doing compassion awareness work linked to animal agriculture and food choices for the planet as well as people’s health and quality of life.

Her life purpose is to contribute to a movement to awaken humanity re-connection to self and to nature.. to elicit a positive transformation for the health of the planet for future generations and for a kinder world for all animals through a message delivering the truth in a way that is inspired by positivity and love.

Marina resides part-time between village life in Greyton and farm life in Grabouw with her animals. At Pure Café, she has a small health shop supply called Carpé Diem Health and runs a natural health consulting service with her Gauteng based colleague (for which they do online questionnaires, health history summary to work alongside doctors, as well as individualized report on natural health and lifestyle guidelines).


Looking for guidance in plant-based living?