There are a few separate aspects to the food we put into our bodies and these are the main questions you would need to ask yourself to determine (according to your bio-individuality as well), what would be the best path for you ahead.
I do not want to do a one-size-fits-all blanket prescribe to the population, without people piecing together what is best for them according to what state their body is in at that point and what stage of their life they’re in (pregnancy and birth, for example, is a different set of circumstances)
Here are the questions you should be asking yourself:
1) Where does my food come from?
2) If it’s plants, how was it grown, (which pesticides and herbicides like Roundup/Glyphosate for example, were used even if it’s labled GMO free).
3) If it’s plants, how long ago was it grown, stored etc and what would the nutrition content be according to the quality of the soil (not all plants are equal, hence a plant based diet varying greatly in what is actually being provided to the body)…not to mention..
4) How efficiently is my body absorbing the food (test what you can, but realize that these are only broad guidelines for wider awareness).
In this case one would also consider which household or environmental chemicals (the area one lives in and anti-microbial crop spray drift).
How am I preparing my food, NB to soak legumes overnight, and rince before cooking in new water. Adding Vit. C like lemon juice with dark greens to absorb the non-heme iron better.
5) If your food comes from or was an animal, you need to ask…
How was its life,
where did it live (indoors, outdoors, naturally or intensive animal agriculture)..
the larger the volumes of animals being handled, the lower the standard of ethics with regards to loading, transport and slaughter methods.
(Which regulations AND audits are in place for animal handling..and what are those parameters by which the animals are each individual’s five freedoms seen to).
You need to ask, what was it fed..non GMO, as well as glyphosate free? Growth hormones? What about dioxins that bio accumulate in animal tissue?
A1 or A2 beta casein type dairy? What about the estrogen overload and foreign protein from another mammal such as dairy protein casein. (Butter is much lower in this), but then you would still need to ask the following:
Ethically, were the baby calves for example taken away from its mother so she can produce dairy for human consumption. What happened to the calf? (the whole process, handling, living conditions, transport etc)
What age was the young calf’s production cycle started or impregnated? What happens to her during her life and how is she transported etc
Do the sheep (as one example) have shade during their life out, and under which conditions and distances are they transported, what are the offloading methods, stress conditions and slaughter methods.
If you can’t get answers to these questions, then grow as much of your own food, and eat as many plants as you can as varied diet as possible, making sure to carefully cover all bases of all the different vitamins and minerals needed, as well as looking after your absorption health (and stress, affecting it all). A very wide variety of foods is key to cultivating a varied gut bacterial environment (microbiome) for immune system function. Cancer for example, being ultimately an immune system malfunction at its core along with other causes.
Do educate yourself about different approaches with regards to Fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
You can form your own opinion after overlooking for example Weston Price’s approach (Nutrition and Degeneration), but don’t just educate yourself on one approach. Read widely, read the summary if you have to; eg. The China Study.
Or with regards to fat soluble vitamins, look at all angles before making your decisions…here is an article
Be sure to see two different approaches (not just animal agriculture orientated medical industry)..A phytotherapist (doctor trained in medical field but with deep knowledge of the use and power of herbs), who includes both plant-based and non-plantbased approaches where necessary.
But remember, if you decide to include animal products on a prescribed treatment approach, you need to be able to answer all the questions above.
If you are into energy approach, you need to consider if that animal was considered sacred and if it was honored in a spiritual context and the connection you would have with nature and that animal.
These are all considerations before just taking a plastic wrapped product off the shelf, or just sitting down to a meal unconsiously of the process.
(Most important, look at your own needs, seeing where your body is at. Do the best you can with regards to environmental impact related choices as well as ethical, and make sure to also relax as the most important of all!)
You need to decide if you weigh up your own health above or as equal to that of an animal, because we are all one.
Remember you might have different health needs to the person next to you. Make sure you get the right guidance with regards to your body’s current state (and keep updated with where you’re at). Get educated on where and how supplementation is needed if our food is not nutritionally rich, or your absorption compromised (or if you don’t have time in your lifestyle..which probably also needs change then somehow).
As a woman pre or post having children, make sure you know what your iron levels are, get help (very important) balancing and nourishing your body (most important)..mind and spirit!
We hear it so often but it can’t be more accurate to work on this constantly.
Make sure you get as much of an idea of what state your adrenal glands are in, support them, use the right herbs.
And fundamentally important.. find, hear, connect and listen to your intuition within important daily moments of mental silence. Here you will find the most answers.
Get daily practices in place to support you in this way. Then it’s easier to put into practice, the so often used phrase ‘listen to your body’.
Don’t listen to too many different people or media. Even turning to fasting and stripping the body (of toxins, but careful, don’t strip it of minerals at the same time!)..I so often heard people saying to do this with extreme caution, and thought, they don’t know the power of fasting…but now I understand it really does need to be done in a very specific setting and overseeing, with important protocols to accompany this practice. Watch what it does to your metabolism long term and don’t forget that everyone is very different.
Herewith attached are some documents if you are simply choosing to include more plants in your or your child’s diet. Again, research your bio-individual approach to food intake and constantly monitor and adapt…and don’t forget to have fun in the’s an adventure, and non-stop journey.
If you want to add some variety into your meals (kids or family), here are some Recipe and guides to assist: (Click to download):
Healthy Burgers, Pizza, Mac & non-Cheese, Lasagne and Cookies